When you hear these three words, what comes up for you? Do your initial thoughts give way to a feeling of calm, inner peace, assuredness, or do these words evoke feelings of defeat, loss, uncertainty?
Truth is, you get to choose how you want to interpret the meaning of these actions but the outcome of that choice will surely determine your resulting experiences.
If these words tend to have a more negative connotation for you, often associated with the idea of settling, giving up, caving under or conceding something you perceive outside your control or sphere of influence, how is the result of this thinking impacting your life existence and energy? How would it feel to release the resistance and embrace receptivity?
Making a conscious choice to reframe how you think about and internalize these concepts as part of your growth, development and expansion as a leader and human being can be empowering.
Letting go of that which no longer serves you; making way for change; and arriving at a place where you create the life that beckons, is up to you.
What will you accept, allow or surrender this coming year; giving way to your best self and living your best life?
Unlock your full potential.